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Environment Variables

List values should be comma separated with no spaces. For example: SENSORS=sensor_1,sensor_2.


CSPunsetAdds a Content-Security-Policy header with this value.
DISABLE_PASSWORD_AUTHfalseDisables password authentication.
USER_CREATIONfalseEnables automatic user creation for OAuth2 / OIDC.


DOCKER_HOSTunsetOverrides the docker host (docker.sock) if using a proxy.
EXTRA_FILESYSTEMSunsetMonitor extra disks if using binary. See Additional Disks.
FILESYSTEMunsetDevice, partition, or mount point to use for root disk stats.
KEYunsetPublic SSH key to use for authentication. Provided in hub.
LOG_LEVELinfoLogging level. Valid values: "debug", "info", "warn", "error".
MEM_CALCunsetOverrides the default memory calculation.
NICSunsetWhitelist of network interfaces to monitor for bandwidth.
PORT45876Port or address:port to listen on.
SENSORSunsetWhitelist of temperature sensors to monitor.
SYS_SENSORSunsetOverrides sys path for sensors. See #160.


Beszel only needs access to read container information. For linuxserver/docker-socket-proxy you would set CONTAINERS=1.


The default value for used memory is based on gopsutil's Used calculation, which should align fairly closely with free. Set MEM_CALC to htop to align with htop's calculation.


Set to an empty string (SENSORS="") to disable temperature monitoring.

Released under the MIT License